Thank you to for giving us permission to link to their article based upon their extensive research into the purity of 33 oil samples from well-known names in the essential oil industry.
The following is a note from about the information in their report:
“DISCLAIMER: We decided to research the topic of essential oils out of our curiosity about this growing industry and concerns about the use of these oils in children and expectant mothers. We have NOT received any form of compensation to review any of the companies on our list. Our list of essential oil companies was originally organized at random, with no correlation between the position of a company on our list and the laboratory results for their essential oil samples. We have since organized the companies alphabetically, to counter any assumptions about positioning being related to a ranking order. For those interested, here are the GC-MS test results from our collaboration with the Aromatic Plant Research Center (APRC).
“With so many essential oil brands out there, it can be hard to find the right one for you. Instead of a top ten list of the best essential oil companies, we took an in-depth look into the industry by reviewing 11 well-known brands.
“Our team spent over 600 hours of research; ordered, tested, and analyzed 33 essential oils; and collaborated with a group of experts who have dedicated their careers to researching and writing about essential oils.
“After taking a deep dive into the industry, we understand that it can be nearly impossible to find the right brand of essential oil, especially with all the misconceptions and misinformation out there. That’s why our mission with this section is to arm you with the knowledge and know-how to navigate the industry and help you make the right decisions.”