The intellectual dimension recognizes one’s creative, stimulating mental activities Below, you’ll find resources that will help develop intellectual wellness, categorized by who will benefit from the resource the most.
Resources for Individuals Free tech support to anyone working or studying remotely right now. –This resource would be beneficial to wellness committee members, clinicians, instructors, worksite wellness leaders, health coaches, and champions in organizations.
American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL) has created a tailored resource library of collated key articles, podcasts, webinars and other resources to assist you through this unprecedented time.
The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point is providing a completely virtual workshop entitled “Master Resilience to Sustain High Performance”, presented by Brian Krolczyk, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Health Promotion & Wellness department at UWSP. Physical and mental well-being are directly correlated with your leadership capacity. Join the workshop and master the art of managing personal and organizational resilience. In the first half of this highly interactive workshop, you’ll learn the physiology of stress, a strategy to increase your personal power, and develop an action plan to increase your energy. In the second half, you’ll learn to apply proven strategies that build a resilient and high performing organizational culture. Those interested can learn more and register here.
Quizzify created two quizzes to test your knowledge on the facts and myths surrounding COVID-19. Want to see how much you really know about the virus? Click the links below to complete the assessment.
Resources for Organizations
LinkedIn is giving free courses for professional development for those who are working from home, or lead a team working from home. The track is titled “Remote Working: Setting Yourself and Your Teams Up for Success”. – This resource would be beneficial to wellness committee members, worksite wellness leaders, and champions in organizations.
Free videoconferencing for K-12 schools from Zoom. – This resource would be beneficial to instructors and consultants.
Resources for Everyone
HubSpot Academy is offering free online courses and certifications for various topics, including sales, marketing and business. Free DIY classes for the next one to two weeks. Use discount code “selfcare” at checkout.
The Met is live streaming for free the encore presentations of Live in HD. A new show will play every day.
Seattle Symphony is broadcasting free shows via Facebook and YouTube.
Class Central is providing over 400 online classes from Ivy League schools for free.
HealthyLife released a special edition of their newsletter HealthyLife Letter, with information on how to stay well during the epidemic.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is seeking applications for funding for innovative, multidisciplinary research projects to develop knowledge and tools to promote the safety, health, and wellness of law enforcement and corrections officers.