A report from UKG states that at workplaces around the world, leaders and managers may hold more influence over their people’s mental health than they ever thought possible.

  • 60% of employees worldwide say their job is the biggest factor influencing their mental health.
  • Managers have just as much of an impact on people’s mental health as their spouse (both 69%) — and even more of an impact than their doctor (51%) or therapist (41%).
  • 81% of employees worldwide would prioritize good mental health over a high-paying job, and 64% admit they would take a pay cut for a job that better supports their mental wellness.

Your mental health platform is a tool, but until you train your managers and leaders on championing wellness/well-being, you really are fighting an uphill battle no matter what you are doing to offer mental health services to your people. Read and Get the Report Here:  https://www.ukg.com/resources/article/mental-health-work-managers-and-money