Thank you for your interest in posting your article with us. Please complete the form below to submit your article for consideration. We are looking for articles that provide informational and/or inspirational value to our readers. This is a place to build community with other voices of the wellness profession. As such, we seek articles written by wellness professionals for wellness professionals. We do not accept articles that are promotional in nature, nor do we publish affiliate links.


Article approvals will be confirmed via email, and you will be given a projected publication date once the article has gone through the editorial process. Should you have any questions about filling out this form, please email us at


NWI membership is required to submit an article at no additional cost. All articles are subject to NWI editorial review and approval. Submitting an article, even as a member, does not guarantee approval and posting.


Non-members (including those with guest accounts) can submit articles for a nominal fee. Please read the Article Submission Process and Fee PDF for specific information on the non-member fee and editorial review process. Contact Kristen with any questions on the process or fee.


If you’re not a member, please consider joining NWI.