By: Samantha Diedrich MS, CWP, CWHC

NWI’s Emerging Wellness Professionals task force wants your input! Please leave a comment below about what issues you would like help with in your wellness career. Our EWP team is eager to hear from you so that it can incorporate your feedback into its new tools and resources. We’re here for you!

Samantha Diedrich, MS, CWP, CWHC, 2020 Vice President of the National Wellness Institute’s Emerging Wellness Professionals task forceSamantha Diedrich, MS, CWP, is a Certified Wellness Practitioner and Health Coach with Aspirus Business Health – Wellness. She is passionate about engaging business partners and clients to improve their lives through health and happiness. Samantha is the 2020 Vice President of the National Wellness Institute’s Emerging Wellness Professionals Task Force and a winner of NWI’s 2019 Circle of Leadership award.