The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has released resources built to assist workplace supported recovery through webinars, programs, podcast conversations, and flagship articles. Below are the newly-released resources.
The NIOSH Manufacturing Sector Program webinar “COVID-19 and Fatigue: Implications for the Workplace” is scheduled for October 19, 2020. Visit their site for more information.
There’s a new NIOSH webpage on Workplace Supported Recovery (WSR). In WSR programs, employers use evidence-based policies and programs to reduce multiple risk factors. These include helping to prevent initial substance use to decreasing the risk for substance misuse and its progression to a substance use disorder. WSR programs also take steps to help workers seek the care they need and provide assistance in recovery, to include staying at work or returning to work. This is consistent with the broad perspective of the Total Worker Health® approach, which advocates for protection from work-related hazards and risks while embracing prevention efforts, to improve the overall well-being of workers. Applying the Total Worker Health framework to a WSR program would involve building a culture of ongoing support for all issues workers may face, both on the job and away from work.
This podcast conversation between Bob Chapman and Casey Chosewood discusses the importance of supervisors to employee health.
In case you missed it, the NIOSH webinar, “A Conversation on Leadership in Challenging Times” created a lively discussion between Bob Chapman, Chairman and CEO of Barry-Wehmiller, and Jeffrey Pfeffer, PhD, Stanford business professor and author of the book Dying for a Paycheck.
The NIOSH flagship article on the Future of Work outlines issues relevant to the future workplace, workforce, and work itself. Here’s the NIOSH webpage on Future of Work.
NIOSH experts have contributed to the development of the draft of ISO 45003 Psychological health and safety in the workplace – Managing psychosocial risks – Guidelines (publication forecast Summer 2021), which will be the first international standard dealing with psychological health and safety/management of psychosocial risks in the workplace. This will provide guidance on the ISO 45001 with respect to managing psychological health and safety/psychosocial risk within an occupational health and safety management system. On Sept. 30, IOSH, the liaison body that has been carrying out the initiative, will have a webinar to provide an overview of the draft—ISO 45003 – The changing landscape for managing psychosocial risks.